Published on May 25, 2021, 6:31 p.m.
This video is part of the “HOW TO” videos. In this video Dimitri Maramenides well known Pro Rider and owner of EPICKITES will show you on how to take care of your wing. If you want your wing to last a long time you need to take care of it. So the number one thing you should do after you are done Winging is to let your wing dry completely no matter if you wash it or not. Then number 2 depending of the conditions you might want to clean it by brushing it or wash it with fresh water, but make sure to let the wing dry before packing it. Then number 3 once you are ready to pump your wing again and venture in the water make sure to shake and massage the Leading Edge and Strut in case your bladder got a twist in it. You can do this before you pump your wing or while you are pumping your wing but make sure to shake your strut by holding the tip of the strut so the end bladder that is at the end of the One Pump or Deflate valve untwist in case it was twisted