Published on July 9, 2022, 7:59 p.m.
This video is about well know pro kiteboarder and owner of EPICKITES Dimitri Maramenides showing you what the GHOST "X" 7m wing can do in very light conditions especially in the waves. Not to forget the help he gets once it is time to pack the wing. The GHOST X is available in 6 and 7-meter sizes as these are the optimum sizes for light wind riding with our new design. A key ingredient to light wind success is rigidity and weight reduction. The GHOST X only weighs 3.27 kg (7.21 lbs) in the 6-meter size and 4.04 Kg (8.9 lbs) for the 7-meter. The GHOST X uses clear X-PLY mono-film for the majority of the canopy. This gives the wing a unique look and allows the rider the ability to easily see their surroundings. This rigid material does require the wing to be rolled opposed to folded for storage. Reduced graphics also helps reduce weight while looking attractive. The GHOST X wing comes only in see through with black/green colors. A lighter wing will always provide a better experience in variable winds.